Do Bearded Dragons Have Ears?

Do Bearded Dragons Have Ears? [Surprising Truth!]

Do bearded dragons have ears? If you’ve ever wondered whether or not the tiny lizards you keep as pets actually have ears, then this post is for you.

You’ll find out here whether or not bearded dragons have ears, and if they do, what kind of ears they have. Because bearded dragons lack an evident external ear structure, their owners – particularly newcomers unfamiliar with these interesting pets – frequently wonder if they have any ears at all.

Bearded dragons do have ears, however, they aren’t external or apparent. Instead, they have sound-capturing holes in their heads. As a result, their hearing acuity is unquestionably strong.

In this essay, we’ll look at how bearded dragons’ hearing abilities are unaffected by the lack of an external ear structure. 

 Bearded dragons lack an external ear structure, which means they rely on their internal ear to hear. This is similar to other species, which means their hearing abilities are unaffected.

Internal and External Structure:

The internal ear of a bearded dragon consists of the vestibular apparatus, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea. The vestibular apparatus is located inside the skull in bearded dragons, as in all reptiles.

The semicircular canals are a series of fluid-filled tubes that help determine the orientation of the head in space, and the cochlea is a hollow tube where vibrations are converted into nerve impulses.

The bearded dragon has ears, just like other animals. The structure of their internal ear is similar to that in humans and many other species as well. As a result, their hearing abilities are unaffected.

What’s the difference between external ears and internal ears?

The external ear canal consists of external ears and internal ears and the external ear canal is a hollow passage that runs from the outside of the head to the external ear. The external ear canal consists of three parts:

external auditory meatus,

external auditory canal 

 tympanic membrane.  

The external auditory meatus (ear canal) is the opening at the end of the external ear canal. It allows sound to enter the external ear. The external auditory canal is a narrow passage that connects the external auditory meatus to the eardrum.

The eardrum is a membrane that sits in the middle of your external ear canal. It vibrates with sound, and this motion creates vibrations on nerve endings within it which send signals to our brains about what kind or volume level we’re listening at so they can adjust accordingly.

They’re both located on the outside of the head.  Bearded dragons have no external ear structure, but they do have an internal ear structure. This means they have an internal ear canal and a tympanic membrane, just like other species.

How do bearded dragons hear?

In reptiles, the vestibular apparatus is located inside the skull. It consists of two semicircular canals and three otoliths (ear stones). These are the tiny particles that detect movement. They’re located in the inner ear.

The vestibular apparatus is important for detecting and maintaining balance in space. It’s also important for hearing. The process of sound waves entering the external auditory meatus and traveling through your Bearded Dragon’s ear canals is called “listening.” 

The first step in listening involves catching sight or movement that could correspond with any noise you hear; this helps them identify potential threats. Next, they use their perception skills to figure out where these sounds originated from while also taking note if there are multiple sources present at once. The vibrations of the eardrum stimulate the vestibular apparatus, which then sends nerve impulses to the brain.

The brain evaluates this impulse as information about the location and speed of movement. The vestibular apparatus in bearded dragons are similar to those found within other species, making them able to hear just fine too!

Bearded Dragon Ear Infection Symptoms

There are several types of ear infections in bearded dragons. Middle ear infections are caused by bacteria that enter the middle ear through the eardrum. Bearded dragons can develop an infected middle ear caused by bacteria, which may block their eustachian tube.

Symptoms of an ear infection include:

  • vocalization
  • dizziness
  • head tilt
  • Inability to respond to touch
  • excessive drooling
  • wet skin
  • beak deformation
  • Sudden, severe loss of balance
  • Fever

If you suspect your bearded dragon has an ear infection, it’s important to act quickly. 

Causes of Ear Infection:

Bacteria, fungi, or viruses can all be responsible for an infection.

Infection from Bacteria:

Infection from bacteria is caused by bacteria that enter the ear through the eardrum.  Bacteria can enter the ear through an open wound or by entering through the nose.

In most cases, the infection starts with a cough or sneeze and then spreads to the middle ear. The bacteria then spread to the inner ear, which can cause symptoms of dizziness, ringing in the ears, and nausea.

Infection from Fungus:

Infection from fungus is caused by a fungus that enters the ear through the eardrum.

A fungus known as Candida albicans causes yeast infections. This fungus can grow in the mouth, the intestines, the vagina, or the bladder.

Diet :

 If your bearded dragon is on a poor diet, it can increase the risk of ear infections. Bacterial infections are most common in reptiles that are fed an overabundance of dry food. Dry food can harbor bacteria and is hard to digest. This can lead to a buildup of bacteria in the digestive tract.

In order to eat a healthy diet, about 80% of your diet should be fresh foods and 20% should be dry foods.


Shedding is another factor in the development of ear infections.  If your bearded dragon is in a good environment, it will shed less than reptiles in a poor environment.  This is important because ear infections can be caused by bacteria that enter the ear through a scratch on the skin.

This type of infection is more common in bearded dragons that are kept in a poor environment.  This is because they are more likely to be exposed to bacteria that enter the ear through a scratch on the skin.

Worms and Parasites :

Ear mites, a type of parasite that can live in your bearded dragon’s ears are one potential cause of ear infections.

The other parasites to beware of are worms and they often infect the digestive tract too!

Cleaning the ears of a bearded dragon

The best way to clean your bearded dragon’s ears is to keep them clean and dry.  The best way to keep your bearded dragon’s ears clean is to remove any debris and hair from the outside of the ear.  Make sure to clean your bearded dragon’s ears after bathing.

Bearded dragons, on the other hand, are used to things entering their ears unintentionally even in their native habitat. The Australian forests are a perfect home for beardies.

The sand and dirt found there can get stuck in their ears. Bearded dragons’ natural defensive mechanism ensures that such foreign things do not cause any harm; their potential danger is averted well in advance.

As a result, it is strongly recommended that you avoid attempting to clean your beardie’s ears, especially with devices like earphones, which are specifically forbidden and can actually cause damage to your beardie’s ears. 

Preventing Ear Infections:

If you want to prevent ear infections in your bearded dragon, you can do the following:

Give your bearded dragon a healthy diet.

Wash your bearded dragon regularly.

Wash your bearded dragon’s bedding regularly.

Keep your bearded dragon in a well-ventilated environment.

Keep your bearded dragon’s temperature within a healthy range.

Treatment for Bearded Dragon Ear Infection:

If you notice any ear infection symptoms in your bearded dragon, you should seek immediate medical treatment. If your bearded dragon has been infected with bacteria, you can administer an antibiotic to treat them.

In the case of an ear mite infection, you can treat your bearded dragon by applying an ear mite treatment.  This treatment can be purchased from your veterinarian. 

Conclusion :

In this article, we discussed the causes and symptoms of ear infections in bearded dragons.  We also discussed ways to prevent ear infections in bearded dragons.  Bearded dragons are very sensitive creatures and they can easily develop ear infections.  If you notice any symptoms of an ear infection in your bearded dragon, it is important to seek immediate medical treatment.

In the end, the best way to prevent ear infections in your bearded dragon is to keep the bearded dragon in a healthy environment.

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