Do Bearded Dragons Have teeth? Everything You Need to Know
Many people have wondered if these adorable tiny creatures have teeth that allow them to chew, rip, or bite food as part of their diet. They carry their teeth to the gum surface and bond them to their jawbone.
It was once believed that if a bearded dragon’s teeth were lost, they would never regrow, however, a new study has discovered that the bearded dragon is one of the few vertebrate animals having both polyphyodont and monophyodont teeth.
Polyphyodont teeth can be gradually replaced. Monophydont teeth are irreplaceable; once gone, they do not regenerate.
Bearded dragons make for an excellent pet! These animals are known to last up to 15 years, and sometimes even longer. There aren’t many more beautiful reptiles to have as pets.Â
The bearded dragon has how many teeth?
As any reptile lover knows, bearded dragons are fascinating creatures. Though they may seem primitive, they are actually quite sophisticated, and their teeth play an important role in their ability to eat effectively.
Bearded dragons have acrodont teeth, which are small and sharp. These teeth allow them to cut their food into manageable pieces, but they do not play a role in chewing.
Instead, bearded dragons rely on the fluid in their mouths to help them swallow and digest their food efficiently. For many beardie owners, it can be difficult to spot their pet’s teeth.
Baby bearded dragons often have teeth from birth, but they are so small that they can be almost invisible to the naked eye.
However, these tiny teeth are essential for a bearded dragon’s ability to eat properly, and they play an important role in the reptile’s overall health.
From early on, a bearded dragon needs his or her sharp little fangs to consume insects and vegetables- which means you’ll have plenty of clean-up duty when it comes time!
You may want to keep an eye out if he starts eating softer foods like fruit packed with cotton wool balls (yes please!), but most importantly: watch where those jaws go at all times because these babies still haven’t perfected humanlike dentition yet so don’t get too close!!
Is it possible for Bearded Dragons to lose their teeth?
Because of their small size, they do not have any hard enamel to support their teeth, and this can lead to their teeth falling out. But this is rare in bearded dragons. Most often, it is the result of biting off or eating a piece of the gums, tongue, or jaw bone.
Causes of Tooth Damage in Bearded Dragons:
The following is a list of the most common causes of tooth damage in bearded dragons:
Bearded dragons may bite off their own teeth. When they do this, they can lose their teeth, the lower jaw, or the entire jaw bone.
Another cause of tooth loss is when they fall out. Bearded dragons are not able to hold onto their teeth, so they can fall out.
Tooth fractures, infections, and periodontal illness might cause one or more of our beloved beardie’s teeth to fall out. Periodontal illness is a condition that affects the gums and the teeth (“tooth”).
What is the best way to clean a bearded dragon’s teeth?
You can use a toothbrush, but the bristles will damage the gums. It is better to use a soft toothbrush or an old toothbrush that has been used by other animals. If you try to clean the teeth of your bearded dragon yourself, you can cause the animal to become sick. They may get into trouble breathing and can even get an infection.
Every year, a bearded dragon must have his or her mouth scaled. This will aid in the maintenance of dental hygiene and eliminate the possibility of plaque or other oral disorders. Beardies may suffer if their teeth are destroyed, and they will be unable to eat a diet that contains insects.
The teeth of bearded dragons should be checked every three to four weeks, so pet owners need to inspect them regularly. This will assist in examining the growth of any potentially harmful conditions, as well as finding dietary remnants.
Periodontal Disease in Your Bearded Dragon: Signs and Symptoms
Periodontal disease is a condition that affects the gums and the teeth. The disease is caused by plaque, which is a sticky substance that forms on the teeth and in the mouth. The teeth may fall out as a result of this disease, which may be painful.
It can be hard to tell if your bearded dragon has periodontal disease, because the symptoms may not be noticeable. You can get your bearded dragon examined by a reptile vet.
Signs of Periodontal Disease:
Mouth inflammation
The gums are bleeding
Having yellow or brown teeth
Chewed or broken teeth
Tooth loss
Inability to eat
Swelling of the jaw
Bone exposure
It is important to understand that if you see any of these signs, It is not necessarily a sign of periodontal disease in your bearded dragon. These signs are only a hint that there may be a problem.
What Factors Influence Bearded Dragon Teeth Health?
It is important to remember that there are many factors that influence your bearded dragon’s teeth’ health.
The most important factor is that your bearded dragon needs to have a balanced diet. To keep your bearded dragon happy and healthy, it’s important to provide a diet that consists of insects or worms.
Be sure not only to feed him the right kind of food but also to make sure he has access at all times. If you are unable to provide your bearded dragon with a diet that contains insects and worms, you can feed him or her crickets, wax worms, or mealworms.
To feed a newborn Bearded Dragon a well-balanced diet, aim for roughly 60% insect protein and 40% vegetation (limited fruits), increasing to around 80% insect protein and 20% vegetation as they grow older (limited fruits).
Feeding your Dragon crunchy insects like roaches and crunchy vegetables is a terrific alternative. Not every bug or vegetable you feed them has to be crunchy, but including certain insects and vegetables in their diet will help them brush their teeth naturally.
Fighting Each Other can influence the health of your Bearded Dragon’s teeth. Fighting causes your bearded dragon to chew on his or her teeth, which can damage them.
You should also see your veterinarian if you are concerned about your bearded dragon’s behavior or overall health. Fighting also can lead to a buildup of bacteria in your bearded dragon’s mouth that can cause serious health problems. If you observe your bearded dragon being aggressive toward other animals, such as other bearded dragons, or even other reptiles, keep it away from other animals.
Preventing Oral Diseases and Teeth Problems:
To help prevent your bearded dragon from developing oral diseases, you should follow these tips:
Bearded dragons should be brushed every day. Ideally, you should brush the teeth of your bearded dragon once or twice a week. Use a soft toothbrush or a slicker brush to brush your bearded dragon’s teeth.
Give your bearded dragon a healthy diet. A healthy diet will help prevent oral diseases and help your bearded dragon’s teeth stay healthy.
Fighting causes your bearded dragon to chew on his or her teeth, which can damage them.
When feeding your bearded dragon, provide them with a diet that includes insects and worms.
Providing a diet that is low in sugar and high in calcium
If you notice any signs of periodontal disease, you should contact your veterinarian
What To Do If Your Bearded Dragons Lose Their Teeth?
You should call your local vet who will want to see both the inside and outside of their mouth for any signs that something may be wrong.
Your veterinarian will then be able to tell you what is causing your bearded dragon to lose their teeth and what can be done to help.
If your bearded dragon has periodontal disease, your veterinarian will be able to treat your bearded dragon to prevent the problem from getting worse. If your bearded dragon has lost his or her teeth, your veterinarian may recommend a tooth extraction.
Your veterinarian may recommend amputating the tooth in some cases. This will stop your bearded dragon from chewing on his or her teeth and allow the rest of his or her teeth to grow back.
How do you maintain the dental health of your bearded dragon?
Bearded dragons are susceptible to many different types of dental diseases. These ailments can affect their appetite, difficulty chewing food, or even speaking properly because the jaw inflammation makes it difficult for them to do so without pain!
Beardies also lose teeth much easier than other species; this is due in part to how they only have one set each with few exceptions. Beardies’ teeth, in particular, are susceptible to periodontal disease, are easily damaged, and require specific care.
Toothpaste should not be used as a cleaning agent. A diluted chlorhexidine solution, instead of water, is recommended by some veterinarians. This depends on factors such as your pet’s age and health, so please follow what they recommend when using this medication for them to be most effective!
Never give your beardie full-strength chlorhexidine, and always consult with your veterinarian before using it. It’s simple to look after a beardie. The oral hygiene of a beardie must be given top priority, as it aids in the bearded dragon’s overall health.
If it appears to be stressed, seek aid from a veterinarian right once. There have been numerous facts regarding how to properly care for beardies.
Cell migration in bearded dragon dentition:
The strong parallels between the SOX2+ stem/progenitor populations in the superficial OE of the bearded dragon and the spotted catshark suggest that, like in sharks, cell migration from the OE may also contribute to tooth replacement in reptiles. We used the lipophilic dye DiI to track cells in bearded dragons both in vivo and ex vivo in order to test this theory.
After DiI administration, samples were taken at regular intervals in the OE directly adjacent to pleurodont or acrodont teeth, and labeling was done in the OE directly adjacent to pleurodont or acrodont teeth.
In vivo tracking in the pleurodont dentition demonstrated that cells tagged in the OE relocated to the DLÂ and eventually the SDLÂ after two weeks, but they also contributed to replacement teeth.
We will conclude this article by discussing whether the bearded dragon has teeth or not. Their teeth, on the other hand, are not identical to ours in many aspects. You must keep a close eye on your beardie’s teeth and feeding habits, as well as ensure that they receive regular physical examinations.Â
1. How long can they live?
They can live for 15 years.
2. Are they dangerous?
No, but they can bite you if they are not handled properly.
3. Do they make good pets?
Yes, they make good pets.
4. What do they eat?
They eat crickets, grasshoppers, worms, and leaves.
5. Can they climb?
Yes, they can climb.