Do Bearded Dragons Smell Bad

Do Bearded Dragons Smell Bad

Both yes and no a foul odor emanating from a bearded dragon’s habitat could be caused by a variety of factors. With proper tank maintenance, these odors will be kept to a minimum, making a bearded dragon one of the most odor-free pets.

Why Does My Bearded Dragon Smell Bad?

The reason that a bearded dragon’s habitat should be cleaned at least once a week is that feces and urine can cause a foul odor. Feces should be removed from the tank daily, but the lizard can go without being cleaned for at least 24 hours before it will produce more.

Urine is more difficult to keep under control. Bearded dragons do not produce much urine, but if they do, it should be removed from the tank daily. This will help prevent a foul odor.

Other causes of a foul odor include overfeeding, an insufficient diet, or the use of too many medications. Overfeeding can cause an odor to be present in the tank, but it should be removed as soon as it is noticed.

A healthy bearded dragon is usually clean and odor-free. But he can get a foul odor if he has an injury, is sick, or is living in a dirty environment.

Causes Of Bearded Dragon Smell bad

1. Urine And Feces

Urine and feces can cause a foul odor and is more difficult to keep under control. In an enclosure, the waste and urine from beardies can quickly accumulate.

This leads to a strong odor that may spread through your dragon’s tank or vivarium – bothering its nose while it tries desperately hard at breathing normally because of how thick these toxins are in some living spaces!

Most of the time it is important to keep your tank clean and away from unpleasant odors. But if you notice an especially foul odor coming out, then have them tested by a vet for parasites

Maintaining healthy bearded dragon enclosures not only helps prevent illness but also increases their quality of life!

If you leave it any longer, the feces will accumulate, making it more likely that your beardie will step in some of it. The dragon needs a clean and fresh environment to live in, so we recommend spot cleaning for poop 2-3 times per day.

2. Infections due to fungi and bacteria

The most common fungal infection in bearded dragons is caused by a species of the fungus Pythium. The result can be an unpleasant, musty smell that some owners mistake for something else until it’s too late and their dragon has lost weight or died from starvation because they don’t detect any signs before then.

This fungus can be found in the soil, decaying vegetation, and moist places like basements, bathrooms, and kitchens. The fungus can also be found in the feces of other reptiles, so you can get it from the environment.

Pythium infections can be treated with systemic medication. After the first month, treatment usually takes place once a week for three months, then every two weeks after that. This medication will help to prevent further infections.

Bacterial infections can also cause a foul odor. Bacteria can cause an odor by releasing toxins that are odorless themselves, but which attract and stimulate the odor-producing bacteria. If the odor is not immediately noticed, it will build up over time.

Bacteria can cause a foul odor by releasing ammonia. This odorless gas is produced by decaying bacteria and is an irritant to the eyes and lungs.

Bearded dragons need space, so be careful not to crowd them. If the humidity is too high, you might risk infecting it with fungi or bacteria that could cause illness in their mouths/tails.

In dirty conditions where there’s lots of animal traffic (which can lead directly to disease), consider giving them individual vivaria instead. 

If your bearded dragon is chasing but not biting its food, it may have its mouth rot and be in distress. Mouth discharges or a foul-smelling odor are other indicators. You should also visit your veterinarian to see whether you have any parasites.

3. Unclean Tank

The aquarium is the most important component of your bearded dragon’s living environment. If you want to keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy, it’s important that the tank is always clean.

A dirty environment can lead to bacterial build-up which will cause aquarium diseases.

This is because you can transfer parasites and bacteria from one bearded dragon to another. Cleaning the tank is also a great way to get your bearded dragon used to having its enclosure cleaned.

Bacteria can cause odors if tanks are not kept clean. The development of salmonella on the skin is highly sensitive to feces-borne bacteria, and they will crawl around in their own waste causing infections that spread even more quickly with contact!

Your hands should be washed well before and after handling your dragon. The most common source of bacteria and parasites is the soil in the tank. Removing all soil and vegetation from the tank before cleaning is important.

4. Overmedication

Make sure you give your bearded dragon the right amount of medication. The goal is to use enough to kill the bacteria and fungi that cause your bearded dragon’s odor.

Be careful when giving your bearded dragon medication. It’s also important that you use a specific type for each individual animal in order to avoid any adverse reactions. 

In addition, keep an eye on their health and adjust accordingly. If you use the wrong medication, your bearded dragon may not be protected against the pathogens that cause its foul odor.

5. Poor Substrate Choice

It is important to keep track of how much medication you are using. This will allow you to use the correct amount of medication for your bearded dragon. 

If you notice that your bearded dragon is getting sick or acting unusually, it is important to contact your veterinarian.

The substrate is the base of the tank, which is where the bearded dragon lives. You should use a substrate that is absorbent, allows air to circulate, and is not too dense. 

Sticks, twigs, leaves, and seeds should not be present on the substrate. You should also choose a substrate that allows water to drain out.

Substrates that are designed for plants can also cause problems if they aren’t clean enough. So, you should make sure to wash your potting soil and reformulate it regularly in order to prevent fungus from growing on top of the existing odor. We never advise utilizing loose particle base substrates because they can induce impaction and are generally unpleasant.

Various types and styles of beards are available, but sand pads are recommended. These rough sheets can be cut to size so that you have just what your tank needs – almost like cutting through paper. It doesn’t have any loose particles, it’s fantastic for their nails, it looks and feels natural, and it has no odor.

What Should You Do If Your Bearded Dragon Is Smelling

It is essential to recognize that your bearded dragon is not sick, but rather, it is simply producing an odor. The most common cause of your bearded dragon smelling is due to bacterial and fungal growth.

The skin on bearded dragons is extremely sensitive to bacteria and fungi. If you don’t keep your tank clean, it can cause odors that will make them Move Their Asshole All Over Your House!

That’s why hands should be washed before handling these guys so Salmonella doesn’t spread from their own waste around the house or into other areas where they spend time (like bedding).

The most common source of bacteria and parasites is the soil in the tank. Before cleaning the tank, make sure all soil and vegetation are removed. 

Your bearded dragon needs the right amount of medication. The goal is to use enough to kill the bacteria and fungi that cause your bearded dragon’s odor. You can kill your bearded dragon if you give it too much medication.

 To get rid of the odor, use the following methods:

Keeping the Tank Clean

Keeping the tank clean is the most important thing you can do to prevent odors. The easiest way to keep your tank clean is to use a substrate that has no loose particles. A sand pad, gravel, or substrate that is absorbent will all work. 

The substrate should be cleaned as well. This is important to prevent mold and algae growth.

It is important to keep the substrate clean because it will absorb any feces that may be left in the tank.

When cleaning your bearded dragon’s tank, make sure to wash the base of the tank. You’ll be able to smell your dragon’s waste from a mile away!

This is an area where their poops will accumulate, so watch where you step. It cannot be stressed enough that a regular tank cleaning routine is essential for your beardie’s health. 

  • cleaning on a daily basis 
  • Once a week, 
  • Once a month, deep cleaning.

Spot cleaning is an important part of your pet’s health and safety. If you don’t clean up after them, it could cause illness or even death! It should be done on a daily basis with particular attention paid before bedtime as this may find uneaten food which needs thrown out.

Also, make sure to check for urine stains near carpets/flooring areas since these can lead directly to ringworm infections in humans if not handled properly by our bodies.

To keep your tank clean and smelling fresh, use a mild disinfectant spray with no harmful chemicals to thoroughly wipe down the base of each individual pot or bowl.

Use monthly deep cleaning services when needed by removing all furniture from inside cabinets located near water sources as well as scrubbing surfaces clean using either soap-and/or detergent-free hand washable brushes (rinse immediately after).

How to bathe a bearded dragon:

Keeping your bearded dragon in a humid environment is particularly important. Bathe your lizard in about 1 inch of lukewarm water twice a week to ensure that he stays clean. Scrub him carefully with a cotton swab, paying specific attention to the undersides of his tummy, legs, and tail. 

Your bearded dragon may also defecate in the water, reducing the amount of enclosure cleaning required. To limit the risks of your bearded friend ingesting unclean water, give him drinking water before bathing him.

Improve the substrate

The substrate in the tank should be absorbent and soft. Also, the Substrate should not be hard and rough. The substrate should also be kept clean.

Make sure the substrate is clean by using a soft sponge or brush. If you are cleaning the substrate on a daily basis, you can use a clean, fresh sponge or brush.

Be sure to remove any loose particles from the substrate before adding a new substrate. This will help keep the tank clean. 

You should use a substrate that will not allow algae to grow in the tank. Algae will cause your bearded dragon to lose water and become stressed.

Final Thought

In summary, when keeping your bearded dragon in a pet store, make sure that the bearded dragon has a clean and fresh environment.

You should also offer your bearded dragon a variety of foods to keep it healthy. A good diet will ensure that your bearded dragon is healthy and odor-free. 

The Bearded Dragon is a great pet for those who want to take care of their animals and learn everything they need to know. You can find helpful articles on our site that will help maintain your bearded dragon in tip-top shape!

Thanks for reading.


Is it necessary to have a substrate?

Yes, it is necessary to have a substrate. Without a substrate, the substrate will not absorb any waste products that your bearded dragon may produce. 

When Bearded Dragons Shed, Do They Smell?

No, when bearded dragons shed their dead skin, they don’t stink. Reptiles, such as bearded dragons, lack sweat glands, which emit scents that humans can detect.

My bearded dragon needs to be bathed how often?

This is a question that is very important. If you do not bathe your bearded dragon on a regular basis, you will notice that the odors in the tank will increase. Bathing your bearded dragon will keep the odors away

How often should I clean the substrate?

Weekly cleaning of the substrate is recommended. It is important to keep the substrate clean because it will absorb any feces that may be left in the tank.

Do bearded dragons sweat?

Sweating regulates body temperature in warm-blooded animals. Because reptiles are cold-blooded, they don’t need to do this. If necessary, they adjust their temperature by opening their mouths, moving to a different location, or changing their color.

Warm-blooded animals utilize sweat to regulate their body temperature. Because reptiles are cold-blooded, they don’t need to do this. If necessary, they adjust their temperature by opening their mouths, moving to a different location, or changing their color.

How often should I worry about my bearded dragon’s health?

If your bearded dragon is lethargic, is not eating, and is having trouble breathing, you should be concerned.

If you notice any other signs of illness, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or hives, you should be concerned.

Does my bearded dragon need special food?

The diet of the bearded dragon is very important to their health. A great way for you and your pet’s best interest, it’s crucial that they eat a high-protein meal with little fiber so their bodies have room in order to take care of all those growing muscles!

It’ll also keep them feeling full longer which can avoid Eating problems usually associated with bearded dragons who don’t get enough nutrition from food alone. You should feed your bearded dragon a diet that has the same amount of calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals as it needs.

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