How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live?
How long do bearded dragons live (lifespan) and all the facts about these cool reptiles? Learn how to care for your bearded dragon in the article, as well as information that will come up.
Getting a bearded dragon, especially if it’s your first, maybe a thrilling experience. Bearded dragons, more than any other new pet, are one-of-a-kind. These lizards are extremely magnificent, and they may be a lot of fun to have as pets. Do they only live a few years, or can you expect to spend decades with them, as some turtles and birds do?
How long does a bearded dragon typically live? ( In Wild)
Bearded dragons in the wild have a lifespan of five to eight years. Wild species are at risk of natural predators taking their life short. Bearded dragons are preyed upon by hawks and buzzards, among other birds. Wolves and big cats also prey on them. When assaulted, bearded dragons can be critically injured or killed, drastically reducing the average longevity of the population.
Bears in the wild may face similar difficulties in finding food and may experience droughts. Dry climates are the habitat of bearded dragons. It needs around 20-30 mL of water per kilo every day to stay hydrated in its hot, dusty environment.
Where they live in the wild, the beards can also get into trouble. Bearded dragons are known to live in the shade of the rocks they use as shelter. This may be due to the heat of the sun, or because of the heat of the rock, they’re sheltering on. This may also lead to overheating. Overheating can cause them to die.
Do bearded dragons live long in captivity?
As I have said, bearded dragons in captivity are not preyed upon by predators. This means that their average lifespan is not shortened by natural predators. However, these lizards do have to deal with predators such as other reptiles, snakes, mice, and other predators. Bearded dragons can live up to seven years in captivity.
10 Factors That Influence Their Lifespan
Bearded dragons can live for many years, depending on their conditions. They need good care and a healthy diet to have happy livers that allow them to stay alive as long as possible!
1:Where They Reside
They reside in different areas of the world. The desert climate of their home in the United States of America and Mexico can shorten their lifespan by about 50%.
In the colder areas of Siberia, they live for only 20 years. Lifestyle Their lifestyle is similar to that of humans. They consume food, have children, and die.
2:How Well They Are Cared For
Bearded dragons need to be cared for well. They need to be kept in a clean, safe, and healthy environment. If they are not, they can get sick. They can even die.
3:Their Nutrition
They need a balanced diet. They need to eat at least 20 to 30 mL of water every day.
As your dragon gets older, the nutrient ratios he or she requires will shift. In their early stages, juvenile dragons eat roughly 75% insects and 25% plant stuff. When the dragon reaches adulthood, the diet should be 75 percent plant materials and only 25% insects.
Remember that you purchase your insects from reliable breeders to ensure that they are free of parasites or infections that could harm your bearded dragon. The types of vegetables that you can feed your beardie include leafy greens, mustard greens turnip carrots, and red bell pepper. These will all make great additions to their diet.
They enjoy tomatoes as well, but because of their strong acidity, they shouldn’t consume them too frequently. Be sure to provide your bearded dragon with a varied diet that includes fruits like apples, strawberries, and blueberries. You should also avoid the following types of food: citrus fruit (lemon), avocados, or papayas which have high-fat content along with low acidity levels; any type of Knowmelon – it’s toxic.
Gender plays a role in determining a bearded dragon’s lifespan. Female bearded dragons have a shorter lifespan than males. Male dragons are often larger than female dragons, and as we’ve seen, larger dragons live longer. To summarize, males can be territorial and aggressive. This is not true for females. They are not territorial and they are not aggressive. Males are larger than females and therefore have more of a threat of injury.
Bearded dragons have different genetics. They have different variations in their genes.
In fact, the color of their eyes, the color of their scales, and the pattern of their spots can be determined by their genes. This can determine how long they live.
Genetics plays a role in determining the lifespan of a bearded dragon. They can have any color of eyes, any color of scales, and any pattern of spots.
Important- One of the most effective strategies to ensure that shady dealers stop breeding animals is to avoid buying from them in the first place. It’s beneficial for the entire bearded dragon community in the long term.
6:Medical Care
Bearded dragons live an average of about three to four years in captivity, but their lifespan can vary depending on the care they receive. A healthy dragon needs plenty of space and regular checkups with you – it’s your responsibility as its owner. You should check on them daily. Make sure they are sleeping. If you see them eating, make sure that their food is fresh. If you cannot take them to the vet, you can give them some medicine to help them feel better.
7: Size of the enclosure
Your pet’s enclosure size will be determined by its type. Your bearded dragon will require enough living quarters in order to keep healthy and live as long as possible. Adult bearded dragons require a significantly larger habitat than baby bearded dragons, which can be kept in a 20-gallon container. For a full-size adult, you’ll need a tank that holds 100-125 gallons and is at least 20 inches long.
The length of your tank will also determine how much food you can offer your lizard. A 20-inch-long enclosure will allow your lizard to climb around and explore freely, so it’s best to purchase an aquarium that is at least 20 inches deep.
Remember that your bearded dragon needs a safe place to sleep and eat, and a space large enough for it to stretch out. You will also need to make sure that you are able to provide your bearded dragon with sufficient amounts of water, food, and shelter. When choosing your enclosure, consider the type of pets that you already have and whether or not they require a specific type of enclosure.
Breeding bearded dragons can be done at any age. It is best to breed bearded dragons when they are mature. You can breed bearded dragons when they are mature if you want to ensure that they are healthy. Allowing females to breed is an excellent way of ensuring that you have plenty of baby dragons.
It’s also beneficial because they lay so many eggs! If this sounds like something your Beardie would enjoy, make sure he/she gets proper care after laying her clutches–fill up on food and water by hand for several days until it’s time to go see the vet again (you should never miss breeding season).
Predators are the biggest threat to your bearded dragon. You should protect them from predators.
The biggest threat to your bearded dragon is other animals that are capable of harming them. If you have other animals, make sure that they are not harmful to your bearded dragon.
Bearded dragons’ natural predators include… Foxes Cats Pythons with Black Heads Dingoes Goannas Birds With so many possible predators, it’s easy to see how their lives could be cut short, and even a healthy beardie could end itself in a bad situation.
10:Injury & Illness
Bearded dragons are prone to injury. If they are injured, you should make sure that you can treat them. You should know how to treat them. If you’re not sure what to do, take them straightaway for help. If you cannot take them to the vet, you can give them some medicine to help them feel better.
In captivity, beardies would be taken to the vet as soon as they become injured or ill, and they could usually be nursed back to health. When compared to a wild bearded dragon, having the opportunity to take a captive bearded dragon to the vet can add several years to a bearded dragon’s life.
What Is The World’s Oldest Bearded Dragon?
Consequently, beardies can be kept in captivity for decades. However, some of the oldest known bearded dragons are currently in captivity. There are several different species of bearded dragons that are currently in captivity.
According to Guinness World Records, the oldest bearded dragon ever was ‘Sebastian’ (the UK, b. 01 June 1997), who died on 24 January 2016 at the age of 18 years, 237 days.
This is incredible and demonstrates how long-bearded dragons may live in captivity with the right genetics and care.
Bearded dragon life cycle
There are six stages to a bearded dragon’s life and they go from the egg through maturity. The last stage is when it becomes old enough that you can’t practically make them anymore. A bearded dragon’s behavior, development, and appearance change as it progresses through its life cycle.
1-The embryonic stage is when the embryo is still in the egg. This stage lasts for approximately two months. The baby bearded dragon is not born yet. The fertilized egg is called a zygote.
2-Hatchlings are baby bearded dragons. They are called baby bearded dragons because they are still in the egg and look like baby lizards. Bearded dragons can be hatchlings for quite some time. They are only about 3-and a half inches long at birth, but it doesn’t mean they won’t grow into an amazing pets.
3-Subadult bearded dragons are bearded dragons that are still young. They are approximately 4.5 inches long. They are also called baby bearded dragons.
4-Bearded dragons are ready for mating when they reach sexual maturity. This usually occurs when the bearded dragon is around three years old. They should start eating more veggies and greens at this point (rather than insects). Bearded dragons begin to demonstrate more social behaviors as they mature sexually.
5-The mature adult bearded dragon stage is when a bearded dragon is no longer a subadult.
6-Old age is when a bearded dragon reaches the end of its life. This usually occurs when a bearded dragon is at least 10 years old. Bearded dragons that are at least 12 years old are considered old age bearded dragons.
How Old Is My Bearded Dragon?
To help you know what to expect, we have provided some information on how to tell how old your bearded dragon is, including a few signs to look for.
Bearded dragons can grow old, and they do. The age of a bearded dragon is very important to know, as it can help you determine the best course of action when caring for your bearded dragon. The life stages of bearded dragons are defined by their size. Hatchlings under 30 days of age are typically less than four inches long.
Individuals with a height of four to ten inches are usually less than four months old. A species that is less than a year old is one that is less than twelve inches long.
For children under the age of one year, measuring body length is the most accurate method. Adults are about 16 to 24 inches tall.
However, both a juvenile and a mature adult can grow to be 16 inches long.
Here are some ways you can extend the life of your bearded dragon
1. Keep your beardie stress free
Keeping a bearded dragon stress-free is one of the best methods to lengthen its lifespan.
In this situation, we are referring to stress in general. The stress a bearded dragon experiences in the wild is not the same as the stress a bearded dragon experiences in captivity.
In captivity, a bearded dragon may be kept in a cage, tank, or other enclosure. A bearded dragon in captivity may also be given a food dish and other items to keep them occupied.
If a bearded dragon is given too much attention, it may not be able to be stress-free.
2. Use safe products
The products that you use to care for your bearded dragon are important. You should only use products that are safe for your bearded dragon.
The bedding you choose for your bearded dragon is one of the most important things to take into consideration. If they get sick or injured, their setup needs are as comfortable and supportive so that they can heal properly. Bearded dragons like to be in a warm environment, so you will need to provide them with a safe and comfortable environment.
The bedding should be made from materials that are safe for your bearded dragon.
3. Make sure the environment is safe
A bearded dragon that lives in captivity should be kept in an environment that is safe.
For example, if your bearded dragon is in a cage, the cage should be safe.
The cage should not have sharp edges, and it should not be filled with other animals that can hurt your bearded dragon.
If you are keeping a bearded dragon in an aquarium, it should be in a safe environment.
For example, if you are keeping a bearded dragon in a tank, make sure that the tank is safe.
This is important for your bearded dragon’s safety, and it will help your bearded dragon live a long, healthy life.
An ideal tank temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is too hot, the bearded dragon may have problems breathing.
The tank should also be clean. Make sure that there are no foods, insects, or other items in the tank that could harm your bearded dragon.
Bearded dragons are very intelligent, so you should not leave your bearded dragon in an environment where it could get into trouble.
4. Provide a safe diet
A bearded dragon should be given a safe and healthy diet.
A healthy diet will include vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
In brief, the diet should be balanced.
Your bearded dragon should be given a balanced diet that is suitable for its age and size.
Bearded dragons have specific diets that are recommended for their age and size
Bearded dragons should eat foods that are rich in calcium, such as eggshells, dried peas, and leafy greens. They should also eat foods that are high in protein, such as whole grains, meat, and cooked vegetables. A diet should be made up of approximately 25% protein, 25% carbohydrates, and 50% fats.
5. Hydration
A bearded dragon should be kept hydrated.
Bearded dragons can get dehydrated very easily.
You should check the water in your bearded dragon’s tank every day to make sure that it is not too hot or too cold.
Bearded dragons are unique in that they have special skin to keep them warm. The outer layer or carapace can become loose over time and need regular maintenance like cleaning with soap if it becomes dirty – this will help prevent respiratory issues.
In conclusion, I hope you enjoyed this post on how long bearded dragons live (lifespan). I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of people talking about bearded dragons. To keep your bearded dragon happy and healthy, it’s important to make sure you do everything correctly. The type of enclosure they are in can have a huge impact on their lifespan so be sure not to let this discourage or mislead anyone. This will keep them healthy, and happy, and possibly extend their lives.
Further, I hope this post on how long bearded dragons live helps you with your bearded dragon and all of your questions.
To find out more about how long bearded dragons live, check out my other post on the topic