How to Bathe a Bearded Dragon

How to Bathe a Bearded Dragon?

Bearded dragons are reptiles that exist in Australia’s deserts, forests, and shrublands, and while some bearded dragon species survive in arid environments, many of them like spending time in the water. Bathing bearded dragons can aid with shedding, give exercise, and encourage digestive functions.

To give your bearded dragon a bath, you need to be able to have the right equipment and understand how it likes its water.

The majority of dragons like warm or cool baths depending on what type they are used to. however, there are some that prefer colder temps.

Instead, in order to give your bearded dragon a comfortable, entertaining, and successful bath, you must first understand the ideal temperature and overall bathing methods. We’ll show you how to bathe your bearded dragon in this article.

Let’s get started.

What Are the Benefits of Bathing Bearded Dragons?

As you might imagine, bathing your bearded dragon will make it feel good, and the overall health of your bearded dragon will benefit as well.

As you can imagine, bathing your bearded dragon will help with shedding, which can be a very important step for your bearded dragon. Bathing your bearded dragon can also help to keep them clean and healthy!

Bathing your bearded dragon is an essential part of caring for them. Not only will it keep their digestive system functioning properly but also limit the growth of bacteria that can lead to illness or infection.

Bearded dragons like to eat, and bathing your bearded dragon can help to keep your bearded dragon’s digestive system in good working order.

When you bathe your bearded dragon, you can help to remove the heat and humidity from your bearded dragon, and this can help to keep your bearded dragon comfortable.

There are many dragons that enjoy bath time as one of their favorite activities. It’s a fantastic way for dragons to have some fun. It could also be an excellent time to build your bond with your pet. Be sure to give your bearded dragon a nice soak in order for him or her to stay hydrated.

How To Bathe A Bearded Dragon

You can follow these steps to bathe your bearded dragon.

1. Fill the Tub 

When you are planning to bathe your bearded dragon, you should get the water and bath tub ready first.

In order to give your bearded dragon a bath, you will need to get the water and the bath tub ready. The bathtub should be a comfortable size, and you should ensure that the bathtub is free of any sharp edges.

If you have a bath tub that is not big enough for your bearded dragon, you can use a larger container. You can also use a large bowl, or even a large bucket, to give your bearded dragon a bath.

Get your tub halfway full of lukewarm water, but don’t fill it all the way. Because beardies can readily get water into their lungs, keep the water level low to avoid drowning. It’s roughly the same height as the underarm in front of you.

Important:- When you bathe your bearded dragon, you should understand that you will need to use the right temperature and method. If you bathe your bearded dragon at a temperature that is too hot or too cold, your bearded dragon may not enjoy the experience.

Be careful not to bathe your bearded dragon is too cold or hot. A temperature of 90 – 100 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for them, so make sure you stay within this range when bathing. You should keep your bearded dragon at this temperature.

Additionally, you should understand that you should bathe your bearded dragon in a warm, not hot, bath. A warm, not hot, bath is best for your bearded dragon.

You can also use a digital thermometer to check the temperature of your bearded bath. You should know that you can check the temperature of your bath with a digital thermometer.

2.  Place them in the water 

Place your dragon in the bathtub. If you’re bathing your beardie for the first time, don’t be surprised if he or she resists.

Try to make your dragon aware of your presence by lowering yourself into the water or twirling it with one hand. Once your bearded dragon is comfortable, allow them to explore and become more at ease on its own. You may need to help with bathing or splashing around in the water if they do not know how yet; some beardies will drink or even excrete when feeling this way. Allow your dragon to rest in the bath for 5-15 minutes. If your dragon needs to dry off, do so.

3.  Cleaning 

Cleaning dirt and dust with a soft brush is a good idea. When you brush your dragon, you should brush them gently. Clean your beardie thoroughly with a small cup or spoon.

Giving your dragon the right environment will help him thrive. You should avoid suffocating by being nice in this area too. A couple of droplets here and there will be enough.

If you notice any loose skin during the shedding process, don’t pull it out. The time spent soaking should be enough to loosen it up. You may simply go over it with a brush. When a new layer of skin is put on top, it should be able to fall off on its own.

If not then the next outer layer might not yet have developed properly. Bathing on a regular basis and being hydrated will make shedding go more smoothly.

When giving your dragon a bath, never use soap because they will most likely drink during this period.

4: Dry Them Off

Once your dragon is dried off, you should use a towel to dry your beardie. Use a soft towel that won’t scratch your dragon. You can use a blow dryer if you have one, but you should only use it on a low setting.

If your residence is cold or it’s winter in your area, you might wish to dry them beneath a heat light to keep them warm. When you’re finished with your pet, make sure they are in a safe place and dry before placing them back under the basking spot.

Then wrap your beardie in a burrito to help it dry out even more. You must, however, be able to react quickly.  For some, the switch from lukewarm water to a cool atmosphere might be unsettling. 

After your bearded dragon has taken a bath, make sure you clean up right away. Do not leave the bath water in the tub for too long before dumping it out or allowing it to drain.

The best way to keep your dragon happy and healthy is to rinse the tub with water mixed with white vinegar after each use so that you can get rid of any bacteria or fungus on its surface.

while protecting it from harsh chemical residues which could harm its pronunciation capabilities (this will help maintain transparency). 

What if My Bearded Dragon Refuses to Bathe?

That is not a sign of a problem. The next time you see your dragon, try to convince them that they need a bath. You can bathe them again if they are still reluctant.

When you bathe your bearded dragon, you should keep your hands clean. If you use soap or another cleaning product, you will be harming your bearded dragon.

When your bearded dragon refuses to bathe, you should not force them to do so. Bathing your dragon is an important part of its care. If you respect the space they need to stay in, then it will be easier for both parties involved!

Do not use a hairdryer or other similar devices to dry your bearded dragon. It can dry out your dragon’s skin and cause them to burn.

If your beardie never gets used to bathing for any reason, don’t force it. When it comes to water, some bearded dragons are more swim than sink.

A black beard, constant wiggling, and puffing up are all symptoms that your bearded dragon is unhappy with the bath. The dragon is in a sorry state and you might have done all that can be expected from the saddle.

How Often Should I Bathe My Bearded Dragon?

Hydrating your dragon is important for his health and happiness. If you want your dragon to enjoy taking showers, it should be done at least once a week.

More often than that and they will start looking forward even more so after each bathroom break. Bathing your dragon every day can assist with shedding and constipation.

Her constipation will be relieved in the tub, but don’t forget to clean up after her! When shedding old skin for new ones it’s important that you increase frequency 4-5 times per week.

A gentle reminder for those who have not yet had a chance! It’s very important that you take care of their waste products so they can stay healthy and comfortable without any unnecessary worries about what might happen if left unchecked 

Bearded Dragon Bath Soap is it safe?

Be careful when bathing your bearded dragon! The type of soap or detergent you use can be dangerous to your health and should never come in contact with the animal’s skin.

A gentle brush will do wonders for getting rid of any dirt from around its face, but make sure it has fresh water at all times because it may drink some during this process (which could cause illness).

This is also why, if your bearded dragon defecates, you should remove any excrement as soon as possible or change the water.


Bathing your bearded dragon is not only good for his skin but it’s an important part of keeping him happy and healthy.

I hope that by reading this article, you’ve figured out how to bathe the perfect pet! 

It’s also an enjoyable process that you can do with just about anyone, even if they don’t own a pet. Simply offer a safe and appropriate amount of water and temperature to ensure the bearded dragon’s safety during the process.

Bearded dragons love to be clean and bathe to stay that way. You just need to learn how to bathe your bearded dragon and give them the time they need. Bathing is not only important to your bearded dragon’s health, but it’s a fun activity that you can share together.

The sooner you remove the excess dirt and dead skin, the sooner your bearded dragon can get back to being the beautiful lizard he was meant to be.

If you have a question about this guide, please leave it in the comments. Thanks for Reading!


Without a thermometer, how can I determine the temperature of the water?

Without a thermometer, measuring the water’s temperature is difficult. You can, however, use your finger to test the water temperature. If the water is too hot or cold for your skin, then it’s too hot or cold for your dragon.

How long should I keep the water in the bath?

The water should be in the bath for at least 5 to 15 minutes.

What should I do if I sprayed it with water but he still refuses to drink it?

He will drink more if he is thirsty. If he still refuses to drink, try offering him some water that is already warm or cold.

If he does drink, try adding a little more water to the bath. You can also use your arm and gently shake him so that it’s easier for him to chug those fluids.

If he still refuses to drink, you can’t force him. There are a few other methods that might work for getting your dragon hydrated though.

How often should I bathe my bearded dragon?

Your dragon’s mood and dietary needs determine the frequency of its bath. If you have a delighted, happy dweller who loves getting cleaned by humans then three times per week should be plenty to keep him or her clean without causing any harm!

Her constipation will be relieved in the tub, but don’t forget to clean up after her! When shedding old skin for new ones it’s important that you increase frequency 4-5 times per week.

Should You Use  Dish Soap?

No, when bathing your bearded dragon, you should not use soap. Anything you wouldn’t want your pet to eat should be avoided. Please don’t use any soaps when bathing your lizard because it will most likely consume the water.

Is it possible to prevent bearded dragons from pooping while bathing?

The first thing you should do is clean up after your bearded dragon. Remove any excrement as soon as possible. If you don’t, your bearded dragon could be pooping in his cage and then defecating in his water bowl.

 If you are wondering how to stop your bearded dragon from pooping while bathing, then you need to ask how you can stop them from pooping. It’s important to know that if you bathe your bearded dragon every day, they will not be able to stop pooping.

Should You Bathe a Baby Bearded Dragon?

Yes! You should always bathe a baby bearded dragon. Furthermore, impaction and digestion problems are more common in young bearded dragons. Warm bath water will assist them in pooping while also keeping them hydrated!

What Is the Best Way to Clean a Bearded Dragon?

Cleaning your bearded dragon can be a bit tricky, but if you use the right tools it’s really easy! You have two options: either go all out with cleaning by using an old toothbrush or a soft brush. Be sure to clean the bearded dragon’s face and beak with a fine tooth comb.

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