Superworms For Bearded Dragons: Full Guide
The right insects can be hard to find. There are few things more satisfying than finding a new insect to study. Some people might think that they’ve seen it all before, but there’s still so much out in the world waiting for someone like you.
Worms are no exception—there are wax worms, butter worms, earthworms, mealworms, and so on. Super worms, on the other hand, are one worm in particular that bearded dragons go crazy for.
Can bearded dragons eat superworms? Is it safe for bearded dragons to eat superworms? The superworms of bearded dragons are fascinating, so let’s learn more about them.
Superworms: What Are They?
Superworms are the larvae of the Zophobas Morio, a darkling beetle. They’re also known as king worms. The term “superworm” is misleading because these are actually insect larvae, not worms.
Superworms and mealworms are both the larvae of a darkling beetle species, however, there are several key differences between the two.
why do bearded dragons like superworms so much?
One of the main reasons why superworms are so popular with bearded dragons is because of the high nutrient content of the superworms. The worms contain a high amount of calcium, which is a very important mineral for reptiles.
Calcium is also very important for muscle development, as well as blood clotting. The high amount of protein in these superworms makes them an excellent food choice for many pet owners.
Superworms are also very easy to find. If you’re looking for the best worms for bearded dragons, then superworms are definitely a great choice.
Is Superworms Beneficial for Bearded Dragons?
Superworms are beneficial for bearded dragons because of their high calcium and protein content. But superworms are also beneficial for reptiles in general.
There are several reasons why superworms are beneficial for reptiles. First, the high protein content in the worms is good for your reptile’s overall health. Building healthy bones, teeth, and muscles begins with a healthy diet high in protein.
The high calcium content is also very beneficial for reptiles. Calcium is also important for muscle development, as well as blood clotting.
Superworms are also beneficial for bearded dragons because they are easy to raise. This is a great benefit because you don’t have to spend hours each week in the garden, searching for worms.
Superworms are suggested by some of the most reputable reptile experts, including Pet-MD, who included them on their list of safe and recommended live meals to give your bearded dragon.
Superworms for Baby Bearded Dragons
No! Baby dragon’s digestive systems are also more sensitive than those in adults, putting them at risk of intestinal impaction from swallowing too much sand or other roughage that may irritate their intestines over time; this means little guys won’t eat anything but the most appetizing prey items you offer!
They’re slower growers too- spoiling any chance at natural habitat selection based on size alone (super worms usually grow much larger).
They have a lower metabolic rate than adults, making it even more difficult for them to consume superworms.
Superworms are extremely hard to raise and require a lot of time and effort. If you want to feed your baby bearded dragon superworms, then you’re going to need to invest a lot of time and effort.
Superworms are a great way to give your bearded dragon an active, high-quality diet. They’re safe for dragons that have been feeding on insects since they were juvenile and can help with stamina building in adult males as well!
Make sure you watch closely during feeding time so no accidents happen because these things come right up into their mouth without warning which could cause injury or even worse
How Many Superworms Can I Feed Bearded Dragon?
This is a great question, and the answer will depend on how old your bearded dragon is. Superworms are not ideal as the main insect for bearded dragons due to their fat content, phosphorous, exoskeleton, and aggressive character.
Depending on the size and activity level of your adult dragon, feed 1-2 superworms once or twice a week. If your dragon is becoming bulky, you may need to reduce the number of treats they receive.
Because juvenile bearded dragons are still growing, they can have a little more fat in their diets, thus they can be fed 3-5 small superworms each day, spread out over three meals. However, only give your dragon little superworms to eat.
Superworms should not be fed to baby bearded dragons. Aside from being too little, their sensitive jaws may not be able to manage the strong shells or exteriors of superworms, causing digesting and impaction problems.
Feed your bearded dragon superworms as a dessert after other insects or veggies, especially while they’re young, so they don’t become too addicted to the taste and become fussy eaters.
Can I Mix Superworms with Other Food?
Mixing superworms with other food is not recommended. They can be fed as a treat, but mixing them with other foods will decrease their effectiveness as a source of nutrition.
Mixing superworms with other food will make them more difficult to catch and eat, which can be dangerous for your bearded dragon. It’s not recommended because you’ll have to hunt them down and pick them up individually, which is a time-consuming and frustrating process.
If you feed your bearded dragon superworms as a treat, make sure you have them on hand so you can give them to your dragon as a reward. This way, you can make sure your bearded dragon has access to superworms every day, even when you’re not home.
How to Feed Superworms to Your Bearded Dragon:
Tweezers can be used to place them in their feeding dish or a few inches away from your dragon so they can chase them. Because dusting superworms is difficult due to their slick exoskeleton, you should gut load these insects 24 hours before feeding them to your pet with any healthy cricket gut loading diet or a calcium supplement.
If the worms aren’t already dead from your beardie’s chomping, stomach acid will kill them, so there’s no need to be concerned!
Superworms, unlike other types of worms, can be aggressive and may bite your bearded dragon. To prevent this from happening you should only feed them when they are no longer than the distance between their eyes so there’s nothing to worry about!
We recommend that you crush the worms’ heads before feeding them if it makes you feel more comfortable, but this isn’t required. You don’t want your bearded dragon to try to consume the worms by swallowing the substrate.
When your bearded dragon is finished eating, you can gently pull the superworms out of the container. Gently remove the shells, using your fingers to separate them.
How to Keep Superworms for Bearded Dragons
Superworms are the perfect food for long journeys. They don’t need much preservation and can be stored in your refrigerator or cabinet forever, making them an excellent choice when you’re going on a road trip with friends.
To properly store superworms, simply follow these easy guidelines Superworms should not be kept in the refrigerator since it will destroy them. Instead, keep them at a temperature of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. For hydration, provide some potato and carrot pieces.
Unless you plan to keep the worms for more than two weeks, you won’t need to supply food. If you wish to retain the worms for a longer period of time, you can feed them scraps of vegetables that you would typically waste or discard.
If you want to breed superworms, you can put the bigger, fatter, and better-fed worms in jelly jars or a tackle box with a bit of bran as bedding to force them to pupate They’re starting to the pupal stage when they start to curl up.
Superworms Can Cause Impaction
The superworm’s large size and rapid growth rate make them a perfect candidate for impaction. Superworms that grow too quickly can build up too much material inside their intestines and can cause impaction.
Impaction is when there’s a buildup of too much material inside the intestines, which can be caused by any number of factors. If your bearded dragon is eating a diet that is too high in fiber, you may be causing impaction.
The vet will likely have your bearded dragon on a special diet to prevent impaction, and your vet can monitor your dragon’s health and provide the necessary treatments.
If you’re not sure if your bearded dragon has an impaction, it’s best to contact your vet and ask them for their recommendations.
Is Superworms Aggressive?
Because Superworms are more commonly found in captivity, they are aggressive.
If you don’t handle them carefully or wear gloves, which we strongly advise, they will bite you. similarly, if you leave a superworm in a bearded dragon’s tank and the reptile doesn’t consume it quickly away, it may bite your pet and injure it.
The story of superworms (together with mealworms) staying alive after being eaten and biting their way out of a reptile’s gut is based on this aggression.
This rumor is frightening, but it is untrue. Many experts still advise pulling the superworm’s head off before giving it to the lizard, but this isn’t necessary.
Which size superworm should I buy?
The size of your superworms should be equivalent to the distance between your pets’ eyes, according to the general rule.
Superworms are available in 4 different sizes:
- 1/4″ – 1/2″ Extra small
- 1/2″ – 1″ small
- 1″ – 1.5″ medium
- 1.5″ – 2″ large
Superworms are a tasty treat for adult and juvenile bearded dragons, but due to their high saturated fat, they should not be part of their regular diet. The majority of bearded dragons enjoy these delectable worms.
Superworms are great for any bearded dragon, but if you have a bearded dragon that has an interest in foraging, you should buy the smallest size superworm. Superworms are sold in most pet stores, but if you can’t find them in your local pet store, you can buy them online.
Thank you for reading this article on superworms. We hope you have gained a greater understanding of their many uses.
Do Superworms Bite Humans?
Because certain superworms are aggressive and bite, you should handle them with tweezers or gloves. As I have noted above, they are more likely to bite humans than they are to bite other animals.
If you’re not wearing gloves, they will bite you. This isn’t a particularly dangerous bite, but it’s best to be careful.
Why is Superworms Good for Reptiles?
Even though superworms are high in fat, they’re still a great choice for reptiles. Keeping your pet’s skin healthy and supple is one of the most important benefits of keeping them fed natural fats!
Is Superworms Safe for Baby Bearded Dragons?
Superworms are not healthy to eat if you have a baby bearded dragon since they’re hard and tough. They can also be very aggressive when being hunted, so it’s best just avoid these super-foods altogether.
Baby Bearded Dragons can easily get impaction of the lining in their intestines if given too many super worms, which will cause them more harm than good over time due to increased inflammation inside that particular part of your pet’s body!
They have a lower metabolic rate than adults, making it even more difficult for them to consume superworms.
How Many Superworms Should I Feed My Beardie Each Day?
This is a great question, and the answer will depend on how old your bearded dragon is. Superworms are not ideal as the main insect for bearded dragons due to their fat content, phosphorous, exoskeleton, and aggressive character.
Depending on the size and activity level of your adult dragon, feed 1-2 superworms once or twice a week. If your dragon is becoming bulky, you may need to reduce the number of treats they receive.
Because juvenile bearded dragons are still growing, they can have a little more fat in their diets, thus they can be fed 3-5 small superworms each day, spread out over three meals. However, only give your dragon little superworms to eat.
Superworms should not be fed to baby bearded dragons. Aside from being too little, their sensitive jaws may not be able to manage the strong shells or exteriors of superworms, causing digesting and impaction problems.