15 Types Of Axolotl Color and Morph
Axolotls are one of the most versatile salamanders, with bright colors and beautiful small limbs. The various colors of axolotls in the wild can make you ponder how beautiful this species is. Axolotls come in a variety of color variants due to a variety of pigments. The wild and albino variants are the most popular. There are also other distinct color variations, such as yellow, copper, lavender, and so on.
The axolotl is also known as the Mexican salamander, and it’s found in the Mexican states of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize. This amphibian is native to Mexico and Guatemala.
Both North and South American axolotls live in Mexico. It’s native to hot, humid climates but has been seen living alongside people as well!
The axolotl is a large, tropical, and semi-aquatic salamander that can be found in slow-moving rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams.
Black Melanoid
Axolotls are creatures that come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes, but this one has a very specific mutation. First found by scientists back in 1961 as an unnoticed variable during laboratory experiments on other axolotl varieties. This variant is black in color. This variant is known for its dark pigmentation.
The black color of the axolotl helps to camouflage the animal. The tail is a very useful appendage for the animal. The axolotl uses its tail to maneuver in the water. The tail helps to propel the animal. The black color of the axolotl helps to camouflage the animal. The tail is a very useful appendage for the animal.
White Albino
Their gill filaments are red and their eyes are white or pink. They’re completely covered in golden flecks, making them stand out against their pure-white body. Young white albinos, especially on their bellies, can be practically transparent.
The iridophores on their gills acquire a darker red as they mature, but the rest of their body remains white. There are no xanthophores or melanophores in this species.
White albinos resemble leucistic axolotls in appearance, but they lack pigment in their eyes. As a result, white albinos are light-sensitive and have lower vision than other axolotl species.
They also tend to have shorter lifespans. White albinos can be identified by the presence of the iridophore, which gives them their characteristic dark red gill filaments. These filaments are very thin and transparent and do not appear to connect to any cells.
Other distinguishing characteristics include their eyes and gill stalks, which are pink or white. The gill filaments are so thin that the gills appear translucent. The gill filaments also contain a series of large iridophores, which give white albinos their characteristic reddish appearance.
White albinos lack melanophores or xanthophores, and the rest of their body remains white. Life history The life history of white albinos differs from other axolotl species.
For example, the development of white albinos is much slower than other species. In the wild, white albinos hatch around one month after hatching. The difference between this species and others lies in their growth rate. They live for an average of 3–4 years in the wild. They begin to reproduce around 2 years old, and usually have their first litter by 3 years old.
The lifespan of white albinos in the wild averages between 5 and 6 years. The lifespan of an axolotl is much shorter than other species, with white albinos being particularly sensitive to light.
Speckled Leucistic
Axolotls with speckled leucistic mutations are one sort of leucistic mutation. Their basic color is white, much like typical leucistic morphs, and the amount of speckling isn’t as severe as in piebald or mosaic morphs. To get a Leucistic Axolotl, expect to pay $30-80 or more. The color of these salamanders is valued, which might drive up the price.
Chimeras are fascinating creature that results from two separate eggs being fertilized by multiple males. They have the head and body of one animal combined with wings, antennae, or other traits from another entirely different kind. The result is that half of the animal has the appearance of one species, while the other half looks like another.
These are very rare, and in general, not very well-behaved. The eyes of chimeras can be normal, but in most cases, they’re different sizes, with the bigger eye being on the other half.
They can be pretty, but they’re not always the best choice for an animal with a good temperament. Chimera axolotls, like all other forms of the axolotl, are native to Mexico’s lakes.
Heavily-Marked Melanoid
Melanoid axolotls have dark pigments on their bodies, including their gills, tails, and fins. The pigment is so heavy that the melanoid morphs look more like axolotls with black markings than regular morphs. The cost of these animals is higher than that of regular morphs because they are very rare.
These animals are the result of the mating of a melanistic axolotl with a leucistic one. In most cases, the melanistic gene is dominant, meaning that melanistic axolotls are the result of a melanistic parent. However, sometimes, a melanistic axolotl will be a product of a melanistic parent and a leucistic one. In most cases, the animals have a yellowish coloration, with dark, dark grey, or black markings.
Green Fluorescent Protein
(GFP) Axolotl
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) axolotls are produced by axolotls that have been genetically modified to produce GFP in their cells. The GFP is a protein that glows green under UV light, and the GFP axolotls have a much higher price than normal axolotls.
Axolotls that express GFP are usually produced by crossbreeding with other axolotls that have been engineered to express GFP. This is a fairly common method for producing axolotls with the GFP gene, and it has become the most popular way to produce these animals. In most cases, the GFP gene is inserted into the genome of the axolotl using a virus. This means that the gene will be passed down through the generations.
Firefly axolotls are known for glowing at night. The glow is the result of a protein in the animals’ cells that glows when exposed to light. The price of a glow-in-the-dark axolotl is higher than a regular one, and it’s harder to find.
In some rare cases, a firefly gene is inserted into the DNA of an axolotl using viruses. This means that these genes will be passed down through generations and may result in different offspring as well.
These animals are expensive and can cost as much as $1,500.
The Enigma axolotls have been a popular choice for pet owners because they’re unique looking and gentle. Enigma axolotls have grey skin and sparkling eyes, and they can reach a length of up to 18 inches. They are relatively easy to care for, and they make an excellent addition to any home aquarium.
Enigma axolotls are not currently listed as an endangered species, but their populations in the wild are declining due to habitat loss and water pollution. If you are considering adding an Enigma axolotl to your home, be sure to purchase one from a reputable breeder.
Golden Albino Axolotl
Their bodies are speckled with reflective dots, and their eyes are white, yellow, or pink. They also have lighter yellow gills that are peachy in color.
The golden albino larvae are nearly indistinguishable from albinos when they initially hatch, but as they mature, their golden color becomes highly glossy. Except for one pigment that provides yellow and gold, practically all pigments are inhibited in this color morph.
Leucistic (pink) Axolotl
Leucistic (pink) axolotls are a mutation that causes the axolotl to be mostly white, with very light pinkish spots on its body. In the leucistic morph, the animals’ eyes are pink, and their gills are white or light pink.
This mutation is often caused by a recessive gene, meaning that a leucistic axolotl is the result of a leucistic parent and a regular one. In most cases, the leucistic gene is dominant, meaning that a leucistic axolotl is the result of a regular parent and a leucistic one.
Chimera Axolotl Morph
The chimera mutation was first discovered in 2010. It’s believed that the mutation is caused by a mutation in the genome of the axolotl.
Chimera axolotls are a type of axolotl that has two heads and two bodies.
This mutation is often caused by a recessive gene, meaning that a chimera axolotl is the result of a regular parent and a chimera one. In most cases, the chimera gene is dominant, meaning that a chimera axolotl is the result of a chimera parent and a regular one.
The piebald morph is one of the rarest axolotl colors. Parts of the white/translucent skin are covered in dark green or black blotches or patches as a result of a partial leucistic morph. The high number of spots on the body distinguishes it from the speckled leucistic morph.
The piebald gene is heritable but extremely rare, with the majority of breeders based in New Zealand. As the axolotl grows older, this pattern darkens, eventually resulting in a black and white salamander. The movement of particular cells called neural crest cells during early development in the egg causes this.
Mosaic axolotls are albinos that have a patch of white or yellowish tissue on their bodies. This mutation is often caused by a recessive gene, meaning that a mosaic axolotl is the result of a regular parent and a mosaic one.
In most cases, the mosaic gene is dominant, meaning that a mosaic axolotl is the result of a mosaic parent and a regular one. Mosaics are a lucky accident that cannot be bred for. They are rare and rarely sold, yet they may become accessible on rare occasions.
Wild Type
Wild-type axolotls are not mutants. They are the regular albino morphs, which are the only type of axolotl sold. Axolotls of the wild type are usually found in the wild. It has a darker color with gleaming golden specks all over its body. Green, brown, and black are the basic colors of the body.
Wild axolotls benefit from this hue because it helps them retain their concealment underwater, keeping them safe from predators. The pigment cells known as iridophores are responsible for the specks’ gleaming appearance.
Copper Axolotl Morph
The copper axolotl is another unique morph. It is, though, a unique albino species. Instead of turning white or golden, they become tannish and then copper. They’re usually found in Australia, Germany, and the United States.
Copper axolotls come in three types:
Light Copper
Het Copper
Their bodies may contain some dark spots, but they lack melanophores and black pigments. It’s a fantastic axolotl color to possess. However, the copper melanoid axolotl is the rarest breed, and finding one would be incredibly difficult.
Axolotls are known for their wide variety of colors. Why is this?
So, what causes the wide range of axolotl species? To find an answer, you’ll need to delve a little deeper into genetics.
The algae-like pigment cells, called chromatophores give them this ability and allow for many different hues depending on how much light is around them or if it’s dark enough not to be effective anymore.
There are three basic types of chromatophores that cause color pigmentation:
Melanophores – Melanophores contain the pigment Eumelanin, which causes black or brown pigmentation. Carotenoids and Pteridines are found in
Xanthophores, cause yellow and red pigmentation.
Iridophores — Iridophores include crystalized purines, which cause a gleaming soap-bubble-like coloration
Each of the pigment cells, or chromatophores, has 28 chromosomes (14 pairs), one from each parent. Different and unique axolotl color types can be developed by creative crossover activity. That’s why we’re seeing so many rare axolotl mutants these days.
Final Thought
That concludes our discussion of axolotl color and types. They are the epitome of exotic animals. Some morphs have dots or streaks, while others have black whirls in their patterns.
Some people are entirely albino, while others have melanoid black skin. Axolotls are magnificent amphibians with fantastic visual characteristics that appeal to a wide range of exotic pet lovers.
Let us know what your favorite color is in the comments section!