Why Do Bearded Dragons Turn Black? 15 Reasons

Why Do Bearded Dragons Turn Black? [15 Reasons]

Bearded dragons are a group of lizards that are native to Australia. These creatures are generally bright green with orange or red stripes, but they can also be black. However, what is the reason why bearded dragons turn black? Is it due to something that they eat, or is it a natural occurrence? What is the science behind this interesting phenomenon? Find out!

Bearded Dragons Turn Black and Change Color:

Bearded dragons have chromatophores, they may partition color to certain areas of their body. As your bearded dragon matures, the color transformation may take place gradually. As a result, turning your lizard friend black isn’t a cause for concern, especially if the transition occurs over months.

This is important because the reason behind the change in color is not because your lizard is getting sick or losing its natural color.

It’s important to understand that the color change in bearded dragons is a natural occurrence. This isn’t a disease, and there is no reason to be alarmed. You can’t force your bearded dragon to turn black, so you should not attempt to prevent the color change.

What Causes the Color Change in Bearded Dragons?

The color change in bearded dragons is due to a change in the melanin in the lizard’s skin. Melanin is a brown pigment that gives the lizard its color. As your lizard matures, it loses the pigment in its skin.

When the melanin is lost, the lizard’s skin turns black. In fact, the color change in bearded dragons is more than skin deep. It can also affect the lizard’s eyes and its tongue.

When it’s cold outside, bearded dragons want to warm themselves by turning black. When they are stressed or angry, or if they are unwell, they will turn black. Bearded dragons may turn dark when they are about to shed.

15 Reasons Bearded Dragons Turn Black

1. Mating season

Bearded dragons are known to turn black during the mating season. The reason for this is that the male lizard may find it more attractive to the female if he has black skin. This is because the females will be able to see the lizard’s eye more clearly

To appeal to females, a male beardy will employ head bobbing in addition to his dark features. Those who exhibit this behavior must be at least six months old. Because hormones are in control, there isn’t much you can do to prevent your pet from changing color during this season.

2. After brumation

Bearded dragons will change color when they go through a period of brumation. Brumation is a period when the lizard rests. It is during this period that the lizards go into a deep sleep and lose their appetite.

When a bearded dragon is asleep for a long period of time, it will turn black because it is cold.

During this time, the lizard will shed its outer layer of skin and will not have any protection. It will also lose its color because it doesn’t have any melanin.

When your bearded dragon wakes up, it will be in a shivering state. This will cause it to lose heat. When the lizard is cold, it will begin to shed its skin, and it will change its color to a darker shade.

3. Illness

Bearded dragons may also change color when they are unwell. If your lizard has an illness, he will lose his appetite and will be weak.

If the lizard’s appetite is lost, he will not eat. Because of this, the lizard will begin to lose heat. It will then lose its color and will turn black.

If you see a black color under his belly button, it could be an indication of impaction, and you should see a veterinarian. If a female is pregnant and has a black belly, it could be a sign that she is gravid, which means the eggs in her belly will need to be removed surgically.

4. Temperature Regulation

Bearded dragons will change color if they are cold. The cold temperatures in your house will cause a bearded dragon to turn black. It will then start shivering, and its skin will turn black.

To avoid this, you can keep your bearded dragon in a room that is warmer. You can also keep him in a room with a heat lamp.

5. Stress

Bearded dragons will also turn black if they are stressed. If your bearded dragon is stressed, it will turn black because it is trying to warm itself.

When a bearded dragon is stressed, it will start shaking and may start to shed. It will also have a darker color because it is trying to shed heat.

If your bearded dragon seems stressed, make sure you take it to the vet. This is because the lizard is trying to shed heat, and it may need medication to calm it down.

Your animal will most likely return to its original color as soon as the stressor is removed. Whether there are no stressors, you should check to see if your bearded dragon is unwell.

6. Feeling Aggressive

Your bearded dragon may also turn black if it is feeling aggressive. If your bearded dragon is feeling aggressive, it will start head bobbing and may bite its owner. Because of this, it will lose heat. As a result, it will turn black and may bite.

If your bearded dragon is feeling aggressive, you should try to calm it down. Other pets, small children knocking on the glass of their enclosure, loud noises in the area, and a variety of other factors could be to blame. Because these reptiles are generally calm, figuring out what’s bothering them should be very simple.

7. They’re Not Comfortable Around You

When it comes to owning bearded dragons, getting them to trust you is a big part of the process. They don’t know who you are when you first meet them, so they’re not going to trust you right away.

It’s possible that if you rush into this and try to handle or connect with them before they’re ready, they’ll turn their beard black. This indicates that they are nervous in your presence and are attempting to persuade you to give them some space. This is why getting into the process of engaging with your new pet beardie is usually a good idea. 

8. Shedding

Last but not least, a Beardie’s deeper coloring could be attributed to an imminent shed. When a shed is approaching, these reptiles may become deeper in color. Look for a glistening appearance in the eyes or the beginnings of skin shedding on the body.

If your bearded dragon is shedding, you should take it to a veterinarian. This is because the lizard is trying to shed heat, and it may need medication to calm it down.

9. Hunger

If you have a bearded dragon and you’re worried about how much it’s eating, you can do a few things to make sure your lizard is getting enough to eat.

If you’re worried about whether or not your lizard is getting enough food, you can put a handful of food into the enclosure and wait to see if the lizard eats it. 

10. Fear

Bearded dragons can get scared for a variety of reasons. The presence of close pets in your home (such as a curious cat near their enclosure) could be what’s intimidating the bearded dragon.

The lizard is going to feel threatened by you because it feels that you are going to harm it. As a result, it will attempt to flee from you.

When you handle your bearded dragon, it’s going to feel threatened. If it’s feeling threatened, it will turn black because it’s trying to ward off your touch.

To make your bearded dragon feel more comfortable around you, you should start by being careful when you handle it. When you touch it, you should do it gently.

You should also keep it away from things that it’s afraid of.

To keep your bearded dragon happy and healthy, the best thing you can do is create a stable environment that will never change. A lot of people think their pet needs variety in its life but this isn’t always true! Be sure to provide plenty for them so they don’t feel bored or deprived. 

As changes in their habitat could cause them stress, so should any that affect its surroundings such as the addition of new pets or decorations; avoid these at all costs. Keep their cage away from windows, keep other animals away from them, and handle them with care and patience

Also Read About: Bearded Dragons Age

11. Sadness

Bearded dragons are creatures that are known to be friendly and loving.

If you’re wondering if your bearded dragon is feeling sad, you should check to see if it’s rubbing its head against its enclosure. This is a sign that it’s sad.

If your bearded dragon is sad, it’s going to be very difficult to connect with it.

You should handle your lizard gently, so it feels comfortable around you.

You should try to find out why your bearded dragon is sad and try to figure out a way to help it feel better.

If you’re the owner of a bearded dragon, you’re going to be amazed at the different things you can do to help it.

12. New Environment

If you have a bearded dragon that is used to being in the same environment, it may be feeling a little out of place in a new enclosure.

When you’re moving a bearded dragon to a new environment, it’s going to feel scared and anxious. 

The best way to do this is by providing a new enclosure that is familiar to the lizard.

The enclosure should be similar to the one it was used to.

If you’re moving your bearded dragon into a new environment, you should try to do it slowly.

This is because your lizard is going to be nervous and it’s going to be confused by the changes that it’s going to experience.

If you move your bearded dragon into a new environment slowly, it’s going to be more comfortable.

When you move your bearded dragon into a new environment, you should make sure that you’re careful when you handle it.

If your bearded dragon is being moved into a new environment, you should start by removing its cage and letting it roam freely. You should also make sure that it has enough space to explore and find its new surroundings.

If your bearded dragon is new to a new environment, it’s going to feel scared.

13. Loneliness

This is a common cause of black beards in bearded dragons that few people are aware of. In fact, most of the people we tell this to are taken aback! However, this is correct.

One of the best ways to help your bearded dragon feel better is by being with it as much as possible.

If you’re worried that your bearded dragon is lonely, you should do your best to make sure that it has a variety of things to keep it company.

If your bearded dragon is lonely, it’s going to feel scared and anxious.

14. Poor Lighting

The best way to keep your bearded dragon from turning black is to make sure that it has a good source of lighting.

If your bearded dragon is spending a lot of time in the dark, it’s going to start turning black.

In order for its skin tone and coloration to remain vibrant, be prepared by installing extra bulbs or turning them up slightly in existing ones.

If you’re not sure what your bearded dragon’s lighting needs are, you should ask your vet.

In captivity, we must ensure that the beardies receive UVB via specific light bulbs. Allow it to run for 12-16 hours before turning it off at night.

These lights allow the development of their appetite as well as their mental health. Use the proper UVB bulbs and replace them every six months to provide enough lighting.

15. Improper Health Care

This is another reason why bearded dragons may turn black.

If you’re not taking proper care of your bearded dragon, it’s going to start showing signs of black beards.

If you’re not taking proper care of your bearded dragon, it’s going to start showing signs of black beards.

When you’re moving your bearded dragon to a new environment, you should make sure that you’re following the right healthcare procedures.

If you’re not following the right health care procedures, it’s going to start showing signs of black beards.


Although beardie color metamorphosis is not caused for concern, a concerned beardie parent will try to figure out why his pet is turning black. Observe and maintain your pet’s surroundings to do this. Beardies’ general rule of thumb is to assess each circumstance on its own, as some cases may necessitate medical care.

A color shift should also only happen once in a while and settle down quickly. If it takes a long time to resolve and your beardie is turning black more frequently than usual, take action. To keep your bearded dragon happy and comfortable, the most important thing to remember is that they need a clean environment.

It is normally not a cause for concern unless the color shift lasts for a long time and is accompanied by symptoms of the disease such as lethargy or a loss of appetite.

Tail rot can also be indicated by a darkening of a bearded dragon’s tail (particularly near the tip). It’s generally better to take your bearded dragon to the vet in these situations.


What is beardie color metamorphosis?

Bearded dragons often change their color from green to a dark shade of grey or black. The change in color can be very sudden, but it will usually settle down within a few weeks.

If my bearded dragon turns black, what can I do to prevent it?

To ensure they have enough natural sunlight, keep them outdoors where it’s bright all day long! If this isn’t possible then use an artificial UVB light source like adolescent bulbs or vitamin D lamps instead which give off radiation to stimulate their eggs inside Jackson’s dragons (but make sure it’s only slight exposure so as not to over-expose).

The tail of my bearded dragon is black. Why is that?

The end of the bearded dragon’s tail is usually darker in color. However, if you notice that it has changed from what was before or starts to look like something might be wrong with its condition then there could potentially be some serious problems.

If left untreated, tail rot can become a serious, even life-threatening condition, so a trip to the veterinarian is always recommended at the first sign of illness. Tail rot can be caused by an infected cut or a constriction produced by old skin that hasn’t been removed correctly. 

Can my bearded dragon get too cold?

Absolutely! Be sure that you have the right lighting for your bearded dragon.

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